What better way to Eat Your Seasons than to support your local Farmer’s Market?!

Old City, let’s go!

Farmer's Market!


Get your local farmer’s goods, Tuesdays off of 2nd Street on Church Street (right around the block from our OC studio!)  until Thanksgiving week, 2PM-7PM!


Some Fabulous Farmer’s Markets by Neighborhood in Philadelphia:

Rittenhouse: Tuesdays, 10a-1p at 18th & Walnut

Year Round * Accepts Visa and Mastercard!: Saturdays, 9am-3PM at 18th and Walnut streets


University City: Wednesdays 10am-3pm; 36th Street at Walnut Street

Market East: Thursdays, 11am-3:30pm; Chestnut Street at 10th.

West Girard: Saturdays, 10am-1pm; NW corner of 27th & Girard Ave.


Eating Your Seasons


Thankfully, in recent years Americans have become more aware of the potentially harmful and wasteful processes that take place in order to get their dinner from farm to table. In many cases, the journey your food makes just to get to you is a super long one. This is one of the many reasons eating your seasons is awesome! Here are some reasons why eating seasonal is so beneficial!

Reduce Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide Emission– Less distance to travel for an out of seasonal fruit or veggie the less pollution in our delicate atmosphere.

Support Your Local Economy– Eating in season goes hand in hand with eating local. When you eat items that are readily available in your area you help to the local economy grow!

Rekindle your Connection with Mother Nature– How good does it feel to eat with the earth provides at the time that it’s actually in season. It’s only natural!

Give Your Body and Tastebuds What They Deserve– Seasonal food is fresher hands down, and because of this it is also more nutritious and yummy.

So what’s in season now?

Check out these awesome sites to find out!


No More Breakfast Blues!


Oh Breakfast. It is often extremely difficult for most people to eat a solid and balanced meal in the morning. Whether it’s lack of appetite, or lack of time there are a million and one excuses why you didn’t eat this morning. This is even more unfortunate because eating breakfast in the morning is proven to help with weight loss. So let’s stand up against that torturous wait til lunch and find some ways to make sure we are filling those bellies in the AM.

Too Much Too Soon– Eating at the crack of dawn just a little too much on the tummy? Try waking up doing your morning routine and then taking a small breakfast with you. Allowing your body to fully wake up and pushing breakfast back to brunch might be just what you need to make sure you get that morning meal in.

I hate breakfast foods- Eggs and bacon not your thing? Try something else! There’s no rule on what you can and cannot eat for breakfast. Smoothies (with healthy ingredients) tend to be one of the better breakfast alternatives, but if that’s still not stimulating your taste buds check out these 6 Breakfast Alternatives from the almighty Oprah. (hint, hint one is pizza! You’re welcome).

There’s no time!– Ok so there’s no nice way to say this other than: MAKE TIME. Whether you are prepping the night before or getting up and extra 15 minutes you should always make time to properly nourish your body. If eating isn’t enough motivation to get up earlier try to think of it as part of your weight loss routine.

Fitness Date Night

couple workout

Dinner and a movie? Eh. It’s tried and true but not exciting enough to keep up with today’s modern couple. So why not, instead of sitting for 2 hours snacking on popcorn and candy, get up and get moving. Trust us you can still flirt while breaking a sweat!

Go row a boat. Think Noah and Allie’s boat ride from The Notebook minus the rain and swans. What’s more romantic than being alone together surrounded by water and beautiful scenery, not to mention that it’s a amazing upper body workout.

Hike together. Great views and a great workout. Pack a light lunch and explore mother nature while spending some quality one-on-one time. Hiking is an awesome way to build lower body strength, improve your balance and mood!

Partner Yoga. The health benefits of yoga are obvious but another plus for couples in particular is the strengthening of your connection. Couples yoga can improve or reawaken your emotional connection and trust, while also improving flexibility and strength.

Play a sport. Basketball, Golf, Volleyball whichever is your cup of tea include your partner and make it into a great time to bond and stay healthy. Plus there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition to keep things fun and exciting.

#motivationmonday: Excuses, Excuses, Excuses


WE ALL DO IT. We find the smallest, most insignificant reason to not exercise. It’s ok, admit it. Getting up to workout is half the battle, so in honor of #motivationmonday we’re throwing all the sad excuses out on the table, and then out the door.

I don’t have the time.

Did you know it only takes 30 minutes of exercise to start seeing changes in strength and fitness? 30 minutes a day people! C’mon we know that if instead of zoning out on TV after work you could make life changes just by switching that time into a workout. What’s more important, the Friends re-run or your summer bikini body?

I have the kids with me all the time.

We all know that children are exhausting at times so why not turn that minus into a plus and get moving with them! Can’t hit the gym? Then make your own workout and include your kids! Not only is this a great way to make time for your personal health but it’s also a great way to spend time with your kids while having fit fun.

I’m too tired.

This is the last resort. When you have a spare hour, no kids or other responsibilities around there’s nothing that sounds better than a nice quiet nap. Workouts actually give you more energy and can give you that second wind you so desperately need. Still feeling sluggish? Maybe you are working out at the wrong time of day for you. Try working out at different points in the day you may find better results occur when you are working out at the right times for your body.

Source via WebMD




allongée Health Heroes!

We can’t deny it we have some awesome allongée instructors. These ladies work hard and inspire us to stay fit and motivated. So let’s share their awesomeness with the rest of Philly! Nominate your favorite allongée instructor or nominate all four for the Be Well Philly Health + Hero Challenge! The winners will snag $3,000 for a charity of their choice and also be feature in Philadelphia Magazine!
Just click on the link to the Be Well Philly Facebook page, like the page and nominate away!

be well philly

Be Well Philly Facebook Page


A Hump Day Treat! Love, Fallon & allongée <3

vanessarobison's playlist Fallon's Workout Playlist

Yay! Mid-week motivation from our awesome instructor Fallon! Check out her workout playlist and then get up, get moving & #getallongée!

(Here’s a full list for those of you who don’t use spotify!)

1. Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the People
2. Feel So Close – Calvin Harris
3. Hey Brother – Avicii
4. Safe and Sound – Capital Cities
5. Calabria – Enur
6. Everytime We Touch – Cascada
7. Counting Stars – OneRepublic
8. I Wanna Dance With Somebody – Whitney Houston
9. You Can’t Stop the Beat – Hairspray (Motion Picture version)

SUMMER Classical Ballet Course at allongée®


Our all-new ballet workshops are a part of our new workshop series. We’re expanding our offerings to give you a well rounded dance/yoga program with the both foundation and supplement of your allongée® technique training.

Our allongée Classical Ballet class will run for 75 minutes on Thursday evenings at 6:00pm in Old City. The class is an OPEN level class; all levels are welcome!

Workshops will begin on THURSDAY July 31st and will run for 5 weeks.

Single Workshop: $25 ; BUY NOW

*(standard class packages are not inclusive of workshops)*

*Monthly Passholders: each workshops is a $10 add-on*


Photo of Jillian Dreusike via Amanda Stockwell in Old City, Philadelphia PA