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So where have I been?! SICK! Not really sick, but the season change happened fast as ever, and my allergies are so not happy about it!

So I know Monday night and Tuesday morning were cancelled because of this, and while it didn’t effect many of you, I wanted to add something…

I know that some of you think “I could never get up at 6AM and WORK OUT!!”, I swear you can. I actually used to say it too. Those of you that have been with me since our open and have requested early mornings back in NoLibs, I believe my answer was literally “NO WAY!”. And now, the 6AM’s are actually my FAVORITE classes!Truth be told, half of our 6AM crowd began these early classes denying their early morning abilities.

While some of you may find it’s not for you, I know that a handful of you will find it both refreshing and energizing to wake up, work out, and then go to work! If you’re not usually an Early Bird, why not try it? We’ve got a Friday morning too!

Our Wednesday 8:00PM PowerHOUR class will begin next week also.

And our Fall Challenge deadline to begin is October 18th! Email us: bodylogicinfo@gmail.com for more info & a chance to be entered into the drawing for a FREE Monthly Unlimited!